About Us

General Information

Trakya University Faculty of Divinity was established under a governmental decree on 25th January 2012 in accordance with the clause 30 of the act 2809 following the article by Ministry of National Education dated 16th January 2012/1285. Our undergraduate program consists of three academic divisions: Basic Islamic Sciences, Philosophy and Religious Sciences, and Islamic Sciences and Arts. Following a compulsory Arabic Prep Class, the undergraduate programme lasts 4 years.
Enrolment to our faculty is possible by meeting necessary conditions after entering the Higher Education Examination (YGS) carried out by Student Selection and Placement Centre (OSYM). Moreover, a number of foreign students are accepted through their GPA.
Our faculty began its instruction in September 2013 in its existing prep building located in the east of Selimiye Mosque and next to Edirne Archaeology Museum with 26 academic staff (1 professor, 2 Assistant professors, 13 Associate professors, 1 instructor, 4 native (Arabic) instructors, and 6 research assistants) and 97 students (15 of whom came from the Balkans).
The graduates may work for Ministry of Education and Directorate of Religious Affairs as well as studying for academic career and providing religious services for various sectors.
This content was issued on 31.01.2014 and has been viewed for 3223 times.